2010年Filter017以老美式甜食包裝為主題,受邀為中國設計單位909Toy設計的"EGGCORE蛋核 "創作,這款由Filter017所操刀改裝的"SWEET EGGCORE"以衝突確又巧妙的方式結合,也跳脫了原先蛋核給人們既定的機械映像,並融合Filter017慣用的復古元素設計,並在上海知名潮店SOURCE所舉辦的蛋核改裝藝術巡迴展首展中獲得不少討論與迴響。

在上海蛋核展後,Filter017很榮幸再次收到了909Toy設計團隊的後續合作邀約,開始討論將這款"SWEET EGGCORE"量化生產的可能性,計劃發行合作款限量版本。

由於"SWEET EGGCORN"的塗裝在設計當初並未考量到實際生產的,無論細節與用色都相當繁複,在量產上色技術與成本考量上一是大難題,在909Toy團隊初步評估之下,如果要少量生產此款設計,這個計劃所將付出的開發成本實在都令人卻步。

相當感謝909Toy團隊對於此次合作的信心,以及對於Filter017此款塗裝設計的青睞和熱情,最後在幾經考量與討論下,還是決定硬著頭皮開始執行了!並且不顧成本盡可能將"SWEET EGGCORE"此款設計的每個原創細節,完完整複製到量產版本上。據官方表示,過程一共用到了70片噴印鋼板,共70台機器的流水線製作,場面相當壯觀!

看到這邊,各位朋友是不是已經熱血沸騰,跟我們一樣迫不及待想的想立即見識到909Toy X Filter017這個瘋狂的合作結晶了呢!

2011年6月17日,就在这一天,此款由909Toy X Filter017聯名合作的"SWEET EGGCORE"將限定發行,限定数量为30只,每只都具备限定铭牌,你还在等什么呢?

In 2011,Filter017 was be invited by 909Toy-a design group in China for design the "EGGCORE". We use the theme in Retro sweet food package and mix in conflict but clever.Span the mechanical looking in original EGGCORE's impression.It's mix all retro element in Filter017 used. And the work was got many discussion of Shanghai EGGCORE modified art show in SOURCE.


After the EGGCORE modified Art show in Shanghai. Filter017 was honor for got the crossover invited by 909Toy, Started thinking of production possible and publish the limit version.

Because we never think about the production design in "SWEET EGGCORE" painting, So it's a big problem of painting and cost in production. 909Toy group believe if production this design less, the project will be a big cost!

But we are very thank for the trust of 909Toy in this crossover and love the painting by Filter017. Finaly,It's Started making and not think about cost to do every original details in "SWEET EGGCORE". They do any painting in the production version. And the offical news is the modle used 70 piece print steel, total of 70 machine made in a line,It's very powerful stage!

We believe every friend was hot in this moment, you just like us are can't wait to see the crazy mix of 909Toy X Filter017!

June 11, 2011, on this day that this version of the 909Toy X Filter017 joint cooperation "SWEET EGGCORE" will be limited release, only for number of 30, each plate all have limited nameplate, what are you waiting for?

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